Disadvantages of Incorrect Children's Furniture
A child may lean over a book or notebook and squint at the text for various reasons. The main ones are:
— poor vision sharpness due to congenital or acquired defects;
— dim lighting in the room;
— poorly designed text (too small or illegible font, gray paper, etc.);
— the bad habit of leaning over the desk, unnoticed by parents, which develops without any preconditions from the first days of studying at the table.
In addition to the above factors, muscle fatigue in the neck and back plays an important role. It can also make a child want to tilt their head, thereby bringing their eyes closer to the work material. If the child sits correctly at the furniture, the weight of the head is transferred to the spine, which rests on the back of the chair. If the posture is anatomically incorrect, the muscles of the neck and back become tense under the weight of the head.
Advantages of Children's Furniture
To eliminate the causes that contribute to vision problems, you should choose the right furniture (desk and chair) for your child and constantly monitor the correct posture while using it.
Our website offers many models of children's desks and chairs with adjustable constructions. Here you can choose the perfect set of furniture and adjust it as the child grows. Using growing desks and chairs at school and at home, as well as paying attention to your child's health, will help form correct habits and protect them from vision problems.
Best regards, the Mealux.ua team